Anthony Dyke

Brief Resume

Gallery Affiliations

Nault Gallery -Oklahoma City, OK

Cohn Drennan Contemporary – Dallas, TX

Professional Affiliations

Solo exhibitions include Nault Gallery, Dartmouth College, The Vermont Studio Center, Tufts University, ​Rose State College, as well as numerous invitational shows throughout New England and the Southwest ​including Cohn Drennan Contemporary, Dallas, The Goddard Art Center, IAO, Untitled Gallery, and at ​Oklahoma City Leadership Square. Independent Artist Organization (IAO), Oklahoma Visual Artists ​Coalition (OVAC) American Federation of Teachers (AFT)


Artworks in Museums and Collections

Special Care -public art mural commision, Oklahoma City, OK

Corporate collections include The Reynolds Foundation, Groendyke Oil Company, The Singer Corporation. ​Janet Evanovich (Novelist), Maurice Cheeks (NBA Thunder Coach, NBA Chicago Bulls Coach), Jon Gregg ​(Founder Vermont Studio Center) Morrison Group, (OKC) The Legal Clinics, (Manchester, NH)


Henry Schwartz ​Barney Rubenstein ​Bill Flynn


AA – OKCCC – Graphic Communications

Diploma The John Doscher School of Photography, South Woodstock, VT ​MFA (88) Tufts University/ Boston Museum School of Fine Art

BFA (84) Tufts University/ Boston Museum School of Fine Art